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3 Australian Super Funds Creating Content for Advisers


2 years ago

From the publisher

September 9, 2022


The team at The Dubs has analysed 3 Australian super funds creating content specifically for financial advisers, to find opportunities in the market.

Creating dedicated content for financial advisers is a way your super fund builds meaningful relationships with professionals with significant influence. While traditionally super fund content has been focused on clients, creating content for advisers provides an opportunity for you to nurture and convert wholesale leads. By converting one adviser, you’re also engaging with their current and future clients, so targeting this niche sector should be a strategic priority.

At The Dubs, we have performed desk research on Australian super companies to get picture of which funds are creating adviser content effectively, and how they can improve. From Australian Ethical Super to Colonial First State, we have analysed 3 of Australia’s major super funds to help you improve and execute adviser content that converts.

Based on our analysis, we noted most super funds creating content specifically for financial advisers are retail funds. This highlights a gap in the market for industry super funds to take advantage of and build cred with advisers. By filling this information gap, industry super funds can capture the attention of advisers and generate leads, trust, brand awareness and growth opportunities.

While targeting financial advisers is a niche demographic, delivering value-driven content that provides timely and useful information is a great way to capture their attention. Articles, thought leadership, social media posts, webinars and videos that align with advisers can improve your reputation and generate brand awareness. Aiming for an always-on content strategy can enable your super fund to generate meaningful leads that can be nurtured and encouraged to create long-lasting relationships between you, the advisers and their clients.

Australian Ethical Super

Overall, Australian Ethical Super’s ‘Adviser Insights’ section delivers tailored and valuable editorial and video content that can benefit audiences.

What is it doing right?

Aside from the content hub being easy on the eyes, Australian Ethical Super’s impressive array of content formats between short form and long form videos, webinars and editorial content, helps to ensure its content remains fresh and engaging. It also provides a mode of delivery that’s suited to a wide variety of clients.

Its videos are professional and deliver content primarily in a Q&A format with senior industry experts that makes it easy for users to follow along. Speaking with industry experts helps Australian Ethical Super to appear as an authority and gain trust with audiences.

In terms of editorial content, it’s written with clarity to make the content easy to understand for all levels of advisers and focuses on education. Information is timely and focuses on a broad range of topics to provide variety to audiences.

Where can it improve?

While still in its infancy, with the first piece of content being published in December 2021, it could improve the frequency of content. An always-on content program should be the aim, with a variety of content being produced weekly. This would increase SEO performance, as well as place it front of mind with audiences. It also could make content easier to find by categorising it, either by topic or format to make the site more user-friendly.

Overall score: 11/12

MLC Super

Overall, MLC Super’s ‘Insights Series’ can improve its adviser content by producing a wider variety of content, rather than just solely focusing on webinars.

What is it doing right?

MLC’s ‘Insights’ section on its website is easy to find and navigate, with each of its webinars laid out to make it easy for users to sign up or watch previous ones. Focused on providing advice to advisers, its webinars are tailored and personalised to its target audience. Each webinar is presented by senior industry experts and is interactive in nature, helping to foster trust and brand loyalty, cementing MLC as an authority that advisers can turn to.

It also provides the option for advisers to chat directly to MLC, offering an omnichannel method of communication and helping web users find the information they need easier.

Where can it improve?

MLC should consider producing a wider variety of content such as editorials, short form videos, infographics and interactive charts. MLC also could look to repurpose current webinar videos, to be used not just across the site as short video content, but also on social media channels such as LinkedIn.

Additionally, it could use imagery throughout the ‘Insights’ section to make the webpage more engaging for users. It should also aim to increase content frequency, striving to create an always-on content program.

Overall score: 4/12

Colonial First State

Overall, Colonial First State’s ‘Adviser Hub’ is a great example of a super fund doing adviser content well.

What is it doing right?

Colonial First State has a wide variety of tailored content, from webinars to videos to thought leadership, that’s published a few times a week. Producing multiple content formats helps to keep audiences engaged and content fresh. Additionally, its adviser content is categorised on its homepage making it simple and easy for users to navigate to the information they need.

Colonial First State is the only super fund to create adviser content for social media. Colonial First State’s dedicated LinkedIn adviser hub is a great way for it to create authentic connections with users and improve engagement, by making it easier for users to access the content it produces.

Where can it improve?

While Colonial First State is the super fund with the most frequent content, it could still look to improve this area by adopting an always-on content program. This could be achieved by repurposing content, such as webinars to create bite-sized videos, and producing shorter form content like infographics and interactive charts. This style of content not only helps to improve frequency, but also engagement by delivering short, easy-to-digest and valuable information that’s tailored to advisers.

Overall score: 11/12

3 Super Funds Doing Content For Advisers

Scoring: This is a comparative scoring system.
‘Imagery quality’, ‘Frequency of content publishing’, ‘Number of content categories’ and ‘Number of content formats’ were all scored against each other. For each criteria the worst performer scored ‘1’ and the best performer scored ‘3’. This gives a total score out of 12 for the 4 criteria ranked.


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