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Wilsons breaks free from dated visual branding and industry traditions

Wilsons breaks free from dated visual branding and industry traditions


4 years ago

From the publisher

November 5, 2020


In an industry where asset and wealth management firms characteristically rely on old networks, safeguarding their research behind closed doors, Wilsons has stepped away from dated traditions and visual branding to grow beyond their existing circles.

Wilsons recognised the only way to differentiate itself in market and grow was to break from entrenched practices and embrace digital marketing tactics, investing in digital and social channels to create an outward-facing, transparent and sophisticated brand. Complementing the highly personalised, one-to-one relationships Wilsons already retains with its clients, The Dubs worked with Wilsons to lift the calibre and reach of the brand.

Working with chief marketing officer (CMO) and advisor to Wilsons, Vicki Aristidopoulos and the organisation’s stakeholders, The Dubs developed a visual branding strategy that tied Wilsons’ Private Wealth, Corporate and Institutional divisions together in a universal creative platform that communicates the company’s customer value proposition (CVP) at every client touchpoint.

Tagline and company ethos

Defining what the business stands for and aligning on how it communicates the client experience Wilsons delivers across each of its disparate divisions was critical. Through a number of stakeholder interviews, The Dubs distilled the CVP down to an all-encompassing tagline that would resonate with the different investor profiles – ‘Realising your ambition is our purpose’.

To demonstrate the ethos and expertise of the company in greater depth, we also crafted a manifesto with Wilsons CEO, Brad Gale. Positioned front and centre on the Wilsons website, ‘Our Purpose’ is a clear and succinct embodiment of Wilsons’ ethos.

This process solidified the foundations for the new visual identity and brand architecture that would be washed across the new responsive website, client portal, research reports and client communications.

Visual identity

The strategy was to develop a visual identity that would cut through the safe colours and cliché images synonymous with finance brands to open a dialogue with prospective and existing clients.


“ The strategy was to develop a visual branding identity that would cut through the safe colours and cliché images synonymous with finance brands to open a dialogue with prospective and existing clients.”


Consideration was given to how the brand would be visible in social feeds as well as its requirements for presentation materials and company insights, straddling the private through to institutional audiences.

Wilsons’ leadership team is comprised of some of the biggest names in Australian finance, and we elevated the brand to match their reputations through sophisticated black and white photography, restrained typography and an editorial approach to all aspects of communication.

Visual branding, design and packaging Wilsons’ research

Wilsons stores an enormous amount of intellect amongst its analysts and research underpins every aspect of the business. Contrary to most of Wilsons’ competitors, the company publishes its research and insights publicly to showcase their research capabilities.

The Dubs packages weekly, monthly and quarterly research data and commentary into beautifully designed research reports that are published on the corporate website and distributed across LinkedIn

The content is editorial in nature and is supported by metaphorical thought-provoking imagery. The design is distinctive and the publication quality is equal to any of the financial press.

To see examples of the research reports go to the Wilsons Research and Insights content hub.


Brand tone of voice and design direction extends across all of Wilsons’ communications, including video. As a medium, video allows for deeper personal engagement with the leadership team. The Dubs produces a monthly ‘Behind the Strategy’ interview series delivered by Wilsons head of investment strategy, David Cassidy, unpacking the motivations and influencing factors driving his investment decisions.

Why wealth managers should embrace digital marketing tactics

From the first month of the LinkedIn always-on promotion, Wilsons has seen a 30% lift in average website traffic, and the company’s published and promoted research is seeing 40+% engagement rates across Private Wealth, Corporate and Institutional audience target groups – which is well above industry benchmarks.

The impact of elevated visual branding – what our client thinks

CMO and advisor to Wilsons, Vicki Aristidopoulos says, “The Dubs’ finance specialty means they are capable of handling the complexities of Wilsons’ content and positioning where general brand and marketing agencies lack the understanding of financial concepts and compliance.

I was extremely impressed with The Dubs ability to capture the needs of multiple stakeholders across three separate business divisions and distill these varied needs into a singular, strong and all-encompassing visual brand, and distinct company tagline and ethos.

From the way Wilsons’ capabilities and expertise are articulated across the website, research reports and client communications to the striking new visual design employed across all touchpoints, The Dubs has established a visual brand identity worthy of the calibre of Wilsons’ people and investment expertise.

The team at The Dubs continues to work with Wilsons on an ongoing basis to deliver sophisticated, editorially-led research insights, reports and video content as well as paid amplification of content across social media channels.”

Speaking to the role of The Dubs ongoing, Wilsons head of communications and PR, Lindsay Clement-Meehan says, “Beyond the initial branding refresh, the Dubs continue to be an important part of the Wilsons team. They have a deep understanding of our expansive service proposition and provide ongoing guidance on the optimisation of content production, brand identity maintenance and enhancement, and performance analysis.

The team at the Dubs are an essential part of our publishing capability, working closely with our team to deliver exceptional content for our diverse audience each week.”

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