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Research reveals what’s hindering finance content marketing success


4 years ago

June 19, 2020


Not getting the hits? Strategy stuck in a rut? Not sure where to go next with your finance content marketing?

It’s time to stop second-guessing – and turn to the research. When it comes to effective finance content marketing, there’s no substitute for cold, hard data. 

We delve into the latest studies and uncover what’s holding finance brands back from finance content marketing success.

Finance content marketing problem #1: silos blocking the way

Got a killer finance content marketing idea but a chorus of voices in opposition? You’re not alone. 60% of content marketers are held back because of poor communication between silos within the company, according to the Content Marketing Institute’s 2020 Content Management and Strategy Survey.

60% of content marketers are held back because of poor communication between silos within the company.

In finance, worries about compliance can be a particular obstacle. Such worries are often based on incorrect assumptions, so your best bet is to address (and eradicate) them early in the strategy process – and make sure everyone is involved, from creative and sales to IT and legal. 

Finance content marketing problem #2: too much admin, not enough creation

How much time do you spend looking for, discussing and/or planning content – as opposed to getting on with the job of creating it? 

Nearly 60% of content marketers spend too much time on content marketing administration, according to London Research’s State of Universal Content Management 2020 Report. 50% said they waste precious hours simply searching for content that may or may not exist.

If that sounds like you, it’s time to centralise your content by putting it on one, well-organised hub. On top of finding what you want when you want it, you’ll be able to develop strategies to make your finance content last longer and do more—by scaling and recycling it.

Finance content marketing problem #3: excellent content, poor UX

Even the best finance content in the world will flail if the platforms on which it depends aren’t user-friendly. 43% of content marketers cite poor UX as a challenge.

Each piece of finance content should work as one element in your customer’s journey. Take inspiration from leading Australian asset manager Perpetual, whose outstanding UX ensures long visits and low bounce rates through a variety of strategies, such as designing according to natural flow, raising unexpected ideas to entice customers to keep reading, and clever micro-interactions.

Finance content marketing problem #4: lack of skilled content strategists and creators

63% of content marketers say they don’t have enough skilled content strategists on their team. Given that 72% say their company views content as a core element of marketing, it seems the issue is a lack of investment either internally or in external content resources.  

Intelligent, sensitive strategy is vital – whether you’re trying to do better at email marketing, struggling to win over Gen Z, or revolutionising the way you use hashtags.

But, at the same time, don’t forget that finance content can come from a range of sources – be it customers, your employees, or your annual report

‘Everything is content,’ says Josh Frith, managing director at The Dubs.

If any of this research seems painfully relatable, get in touch, conquering finance connect marketing challenges is our specialty. 

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