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Digital experience: Where asset managers are falling behind

Digital experience: Where asset managers are falling behind


2 years ago

June 8, 2022


The digitisation of the finance industry is being felt across all sectors and it’s time asset managers jumped on board. Despite this, asset managers are lagging behind the rest of the finance industry in implementing digital technology. Improving the digital experience for investors should be a priority for your asset management firm. By creating a great digital experience where interactive and engaging content takes centre stage, you can generate and nurture leads by providing clients with valuable information in refreshing formats. But how can asset managers improve the overall digital experience for investors?

The benefits of going digital for asset managers

You can reap many rewards when you improve your client’s digital experience. According to McKinsey, there is a clear correlation between finance brands leading the digital revolution and improved overall performance in terms of revenue, reduced long-term marketing costs and greater lead generation.

“ According to McKinsey, there is a clear correlation between finance brands leading the digital revolution and improved overall performance. ”

So, what are the benefits to asset managers of improving the digital experience they deliver clients?

  • Improved operational efficiency
  • Lead generation
  • Customer acquisition
  • Improve connectivity and strengthen relationships
  • Personalisation
  • Improve accessibility and education

How asset managers can improve the digital experience for investors

The majority of consumers worldwide are now considered ‘digital natives’. This means consumers do not only expect but demand asset managers provide a great digital experience. While banks have been quick on the uptake and made digital financial management the norm, asset managers have been slow to reflect what consumers want. In fact, the proportion of people using digital finance technology rose from 58% to 88% between 2020 and 2021.

According to KPMG’s ‘Getting Digital Right 2020 Report’, “Clients now expect asset managers to deliver digital experiences comparable to those they enjoy in other parts of their lives.”

Overall, to improve the digital experience for investors, asset managers should be making it easy to invest as well as access relevant information and educational materials. There are several ways asset managers can achieve this:

  • Create a digital investor portal – By creating a single point of contact for investors, you can streamline communication and provide educational material and data in one place.
  • Make data accessible – By improving data transparency you can foster client loyalty, with over 90% of consumers saying transparency by a brand is important to their purchase decisions.
  • Implement automated reporting – By removing manual processes, clients can access key information more securely and in real-time.

Why content marketing must be on your radar

You can’t execute a successful digital transformation without implementing an omnichannel content marketing strategy. Providing value-driven and engaging content as part of your overall digital experience is critical to ensuring you generate and nurture leads.

The key to executing an engaging content marketing strategy that generates leads is creating easy-to-digest, relevant content that’s tailored to your target audience. Reduce your reliance on old-school downloadable PDFs by creating interactive and dynamic content across multiple channels. While you can still cater to investors that like PDFs by including them at the bottom of your website content, utilising HTML content will not only improve your SEO but interactivity allows for greater engagement.

One example of an asset management firm getting it right is BlackRock. What they’re great at is delivering a variety of investment content across socials such as blog posts, thought leadership and videos alongside updates from the ‘human’ side of the business. This mix of content ensures they’re delivering broad reaching insights relevant to a spread of investors.

Why prioritising the digital experience is a no brainer

At the end of the day, investors and clients want to be able to manage their finances online. While this preference for digital financial management tools was on the rise prior to 2020, COVID has fast-tracked this demand.

If your asset management firm is yet to invest in your digital experience and your multichannel marketing strategy it’s time to start or be left behind.

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