When comparing the traffic volume and growth of Australian asset managers and UK asset managers it’s easy to think the significant differences are a product of population size alone.
The UK may have three times the population of Australia, but with the best performing UK asset manager attracting traffic volume 15 times that of the leading asset manager in Australia, it certainly turns this theory on its head. And while the UK is home to many of the headquarters of global asset managers, location is far from the only driving factor when comparing engagement and growth in each territory. Based on raw population numbers alone, if everything was equal, UK asset managers would still be attracting three times as much traffic as their Australian counterparts.
If population was equal, UK asset managers would still be attracting three times as much traffic as their Australian counterparts.
This disparity brings us to the focus of this custom research report – what UK asset managers are doing differently that Australian asset managers can learn from. In this report, we use our growth model to plot the traffic and growth achieved by the top 10 asset managers in each region in order to identify which asset managers are – Niche Players, Game Changers, Established players or Leaders in the field.
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To learn which of the top 10 Australian and UK asset managers are leaders in their region and uncover the tactics used to gain this position, download the full report by completing the form in the right-hand panel.