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Report: Top 10 Australian General Insurers Most Active On Social Media


8 years ago

October 4, 2016


We’ve compiled the Top 10 Australian general insurers based on their social media presence to bring you this infographic about how general insurance brands are using social media.

Top 10 Australian General Insurers according to social media presence

  1. NRMA
  2. QBE
  3. AAMI
  4. CGU
  5. Youi
  6. Suncorp Insurance
  7. Allianz
  8. Real Insurance
  9. Budget Direct
  10. APIA


    • All of the top 10 Australian general insurers are present on all four of the big social channels: Facebook, X, YouTube and LinkedIn. However, quite a few are not very active on some channels, giving the impression there is a lack of co-ordinated social/content strategy in place at those brands that have taken the time to set up the channels but are not participating actively on them.
    • Facebook is the most active channel used by the top 10 Australian general insurers. AAMI is leading in terms of Facebook following while QBE is leading in terms of Facebook activity.

Six of the top 10 Australian general insurers had combined YouTube video views of over 1 million

  • X in particular is being underutilised by most of the insurers even though it is a channel that appears most suited to customer service. QBE is head and shoulders most active on X, followed by CGU and Real insurance.
  • Even though several of the general insurers have large LinkedIn followings, most of the general insurers are not actively posting content to this channel – possibly because it is not traditionally a channel by which companies communicate directly with consumers. CGU insurance is the most active on this channel, followed by Allianz and Youi.
  • Six of the top 10 Australian general insurers had combined YouTube video views of over 1 million, demonstrating that consumers do look at insurance company YouTube channels and content. Budget Direct led the way with a combined views total of 9,620,371.
  • Eight of the top 10 Australian general insurers had Instagram channels that are all still fairly nascent but which reveals that the general insurers are aware of the need to be visible in channels that appeal to younger demographics.
  • None of the top 10 Australian general insurers had a Snapchat account.
  • One of the top 10 Australian general insurers had an out-of-the-box thinking SoundCloud channel: APIA featured a small playlist of music that was tied to a 2015 marketing campaign on their Soundcloud channel.

How we ranked them

As part of The Dubs content marketing business, we’re always conducting research, looking at whitepapers, statistics, raw data (both our own and clients’) and benchmarking clients against competitors. Basically, we rely on lots of data.

To determine the Top 10 we looked at the scale of each general insurers social media presence (size of X and LinkedIn followings, Facebook likes, and YouTube subscribers) and the frequency of each insurers social activity (number of tweets/retweets, number of Facebook posts, number of LinkedIn posts and number of YouTube videos published).

[Full disclosure: QBE is a client of The Dubs]

Related Report: Top 10 General Insurers Most Active On Social Media Oct-to-Dec 2016

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