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How asset managers can create engaging landing pages

How to create landing pages that convert


2 years ago

January 30, 2023

User Experience
3 Min read


Landing pages are designed to convert leads meaning how they’re designed is critical to their success. A poorly designed page that’s unengaging and lacks key functionality can be what prevents client acquisition. No matter what type of financial institution you are, to ensure your marketing tactics succeed, you must optimise and continue to review your page design based on performance. Here we break down exactly how your finance brand can create a landing page that converts.

Why landing page design can’t be an afterthought

If you’re putting time and effort into your content marketing strategy then you can’t leave your landing page design as an afterthought. A well-designed page ensures the leads you’re gaining from your content are actually being converted. At the end of the day, an effective page designed to convert will help ensure your lead generation campaign is successful.

“ The average landing page conversion rate is 9.7% ”

With the average landing page conversion rate across all industries being 9.7% (with 10% being widely considered a good conversion rate) getting them right is critical. As Hubspot explains, “Marketers who create landing pages that build trust with page visitors, provide valuable information, and use different content types see higher conversion rates.”

How to design a landing page that converts

Creating not only an engaging landing page but one that converts is all about the design. Here are our top tips for creating an engaging landing page:

  • Keep it personal – Ensure your landing page is personalised to the user. Utilising generic messaging won’t lead to conversions or maintain engagement, with studies revealing personalised CTAs convert 202% better than a normal CTA.
  • Optimise, optimise, optimise – Consistently testing your landing page and optimising it is critical to its success. Utilising A/B testing will ensure your landing page operates smoothly and help convert clients, with 1 out of 8 A/B tests shown to have driven significant change.
  • Keep it simple – Too much information can overwhelm your clients. Keep your information clear, simple and concise.
  • Have a clear call to action – Ultimately, you want your clients visiting your landing page to take action. This means an effective CTA is critical.
  • Ensure it’s mobile-friendly – With more people using their mobiles to find and research businesses it’s critical your landing page is not only designed for mobile but is fast, quick and responsive otherwise people simply click off.

Two great examples

These two finance brands demonstrate what makes a good landing page design. Keeping it simple and immediately trying to gain important first-party data makes these landing pages particularly effective.

Future Green Steps has made its landing page eye-catching and engaging. Keeping the information simple, users gain the necessary information seamlessly. Additionally, it has incorporated short-form videos to make the page feel fresh and provide a variety of content appealing to a wider range of visitors while also increasing users’ time on the page.

Odin’s Crow has also created an innovative and engaging landing page design. Utilising intelligent web design, Odin’s Crow combines interactive graphics with accessible typography that provides critical information. Odin’s Crow highlights that landing page design doesn’t have to be boring, instead, it can be modern and contemporary.

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