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3 more of the best insurance content campaigns


4 years ago

March 19, 2020


We’ve blogged before on the Financial Marketer about insurance content done differently; here are three more fresh, quality insurance content campaigns from the UK, US and Australia to help spark your creativity.  


UK insurance content: Allianz

The challenge

Push awareness of the Allianz Insurance brand in the UK from 53% to 60%; differentiate the Allianz brand; increase pride in Allianz amongst colleagues.

The strategy

In 2016, after being in the UK market for only three years, Allianz Insurance committed their whole marketing budget to become the sole TV sponsor of the Rio Paralympic Games. They also signed individual sponsorship deals with seven Great Britain Paralympic athletes.

Central to the campaign was ‘Dare to Believe’, a series of short films telling the stories of seven Paralympians and the life-changing moments that led to them to become world class athletes. These were broadcast on Channel 4 and adapted for online and social. Allianz was also one of a number of brands to feature on the first-ever ad break to be signed for hearing impaired viewers.

The results

The campaign reached more than 50m people in the UK and helped push awareness of the Allianz brand to over 70%. The films were viewed more than 50.6 million times across multiple platforms. 


The campaign reached more than 50m people in the UK and helped push awareness of the Allianz brand to over 70%.

Allianz UK CMO David Radford says the campaign also boosted Allianz’s ‘Inclusive Meritocracy’ internal program by reinforcing a commitment to diversity and personal development. 

Sir Phillip Craven, the president of the International Paralympic Committee, described the Allianz content as “the best piece of Paralympics content I have ever seen”. 

US insurance content: Farmers Insurance

The challenge

Reach audiences that are migrating to streaming platforms. Create content that stands out and helps drive brand awareness. Make the videos entertaining enough that you don’t annoy viewers when your non-skippable spot appears in their streaming program.

The strategy

Rather than see the same ad spot over and over, Farmers Insurance engaged Hulu viewers with a story that played out over three episodes of 30, 15 and 30-seconds’ duration, complete with plot twists and cliffhangers. The videos appeared on Hulu as individual episodes which formed one complete story by the end of the program. 

The results

We don’t have metrics on how well the spots performed, but what we love about the Farmers Insurance content program overall is they experiment with so many content types and do it so masterfully and joyfully. 

They have actor JK Simmons anchoring their genuinely entertaining Hall of Claims video series (which includes the Hulu spots). These videos tell real stories about customers’ bizarre insurance claims, albeit with the drama dialled up, e.g., the dogs who flood the house when their owners are out and the car that crashes into someone’s roof

Farmers’ Learn from Experience blog has a suitably friendly, approachable tone and helps readers with tips on everything from renovating and cars to funeral and wedding planning, alongside “real stories” about people’s mishaps and life challenges.

And all of it is executed in perfect alignment with their tagline, “We know a thing or two because we’ve seen a thing or two.” 

AUS insurance content: NRMA

The challenge

Reverse eight years of declining customer numbers. Address the lack of consumer trust when it comes to insurance.

The strategy

Research showed that customers’ primary motivation for taking out a policy with NRMA was their vulnerability and feeling of losing control at difficult times. It was at those times that customers looked to NRMA to provide emotional stability and understanding.

NRMA revived the brand’s original purpose – Help, as a strategy platform echoing classic NRMA campaigns of the past and reinforcing the Australian spirit of Help. “Help is who we are” became the new tagline as the brand aimed to tap into that deeper sense of vulnerability.

Alongside advertising which showed real stories of Australians helping each other, NRMA championed local heroes of ‘Help’ across their social channels with more than 100 stories published on NRMA’s content hub and amplified across Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. 

Stories included a dairy farmer with cancer helped by his local community; a fireman and the koala he helped; the man whose leg slipped into the gap between the train and the platform. Videos told emotional stories about everyday Australians helping others.

The results

The entire campaign achieved an estimated ROI of 287%, restoring positive customer growth, with increased unique visits and website visits and a 10% improvement in quotes completed. NRMA rose to number one in social share of engagement in the insurance category and within four months had beaten three of Australia’s major banks to get to number one in the entire financial services category. 

Need help with some fresh content ideas of your own, we can help. 



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