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3 marketing strategies for asset managers


3 years ago

August 27, 2021


Marketing strategies for asset managers have changed from cold calls and referrals to generating profitable leads through targeted and smart digital content. With the continued digitisation of the financial world, it’s critical asset managers are up-to-date and employ marketing strategies that can both generate leads and convert them into profitable, long-term clients.

From initially making contact with a potential lead to acquiring them as a client, converting a lead into a client isn’t a linear process for most firms. Here we explain the value in segmenting your marketing communications, utilising lead generation forms to capture interested clients, and the benefits firms can gain through lead scoring.

Segmentation of marketing communications

Creating a personalised and targeted content marketing strategy is important for any finance brand and asset management firm to achieve. By understanding and segmenting your marketing communications, you can convert visitors and interested consumers into loyal clients. Research conducted by Mailchimp found a 101% increase in click-through rates for segmented campaigns ove non-segmented campaigns.

“ Research conducted by Mailchimp found a 101% increase in click-through rates for segmented campaigns ove non-segmented campaigns.”

Segmenting your marketing communications is about identifying and understanding your target audience. An investor who is retired will be interested in different products and services compared to a younger investor who has recently left university. For example, the older and more established investor may be interested in a podcast series that breaks down the market and the younger investor may be interested in an educational YouTube series that explains basic concepts to get them started.

Ensure your firm’s marketing communications are personalised and tailored to each investor’s interests to entice new clients and retain old ones.

Lead generation forms

Websites must be a place for lead generation, which is where forms can help. While there’s a number of ways to drive traffic to your website such as social media or email marketing, it’s useless unless you can initially capture interest with valuable insights and thought leadership. Marketing strategies for asset managers must be focused on transferring web visitors to leads and then to clients.

Web-to-lead forms are those which allow potential clients to enter their contact information so you can continually target them with marketing materials. In fact, of the 74% of businesses which use lead generation forms 49.7% of them said forms were the most successful strategy. While you can decide what information your asset management firm wants on the form, it should always have a:

  • Name
  • Phone number
  • Email

These three sections are critical for firms as they will allow you to send targeted content to potential investors.

Here are three tips to optimise your lead generation forms:

  • Minimal is better. Ensure your form is short as people will be more likely to fill it out. In fact, form submission increased by 160% when the fields reduced from 11 to 4.
  • Include a call to action. Including a CTA at the end of your form can ensure more web visitors fill it out, altering the traditional ‘submit’ to ‘get started’ can be one way your asset management firm can encourage consumers.
  • Don’t require all information. While asset management firms will always need someone’s email to ensure they can target them with marketing campaigns, other information isn’t always vital and can cause people not to fill out the form.

Lead scoring

Lead scoring can be a great way of helping to develop leads into clients. In its simplest form lead scoring is a method of determining which leads are most likely to result in action and targeting them on a scale of highest priority to lowest priority. Why this method is so useful and effective is simply because leads are short-term assets and need to be developed over time. In fact, leads decay at a rate of 25-30% every year. It’s paramount once a lead has been acquired that your firm builds trust and interest through tailored content.

Utilising a lead scoring system is a simple and cost-effective solution for any asset management firm and can reap large rewards. This is simply because a lead scoring system provides an effective marketing strategy for asset managers which allows you to nurture the best leads possible. This is important as nurtured leads make 47% larger purchases than non-nurtured leads and nurtured leads produce a 20% increase in sales opportunities.

Marketing strategies for asset managers

It’s vital that your firm understand and apply marketing strategies that not only help generate leads but also nurture them. By implementing these marketing strategies for asset managers, firms can ensure their campaign materials and content program aren’t going to waste.

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