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How to make heavy going finance content engaging

How to make heavy going finance content engaging


6 years ago

March 19, 2019


The nature of the finance industry is that detailed, compliant and often heavy going content is often required to ensure customers are fully informed. And when attempting to get customers to engage with this type of heavy going finance content, brands battle against confusion, reluctance, and even active disregard. Here we share some tips for keeping it light without diluting your key message.

Visualise your message

Countless brands and government campaigns have tried before them to shift the smoking habits of Australians. But one pension fund, Crescent Wealth Super decided to tackle the tobacco industry and highlight the financial cost the habit has. With a commitment not to invest in harmful activities core to Crescent Wealth Super’s values, it used a visual infographic to communicate The Real Cost of Smoking to Australia.

A quick note when designing infographics, many people tend to go overboard with colours, fonts, graphics and vectors. Our advice is to keep it simple, utilising visual elements to emphasise, not distract from your important message.

Full disclosure: Crescent Wealth Super is a client of The Dubs

Make it relatable

When it comes to finance content, it’s easy for customers to get lost in the figures and jargon. But rather than bombarding customers with detail, instead, strip your communications back and look at how you can explain financial concepts in relatable contexts or terms.

If you look at the Crescent Wealth Super infographic again, you’ll see it is succinct, it talks to everyday concerns people can relate to (health, environmental, social and monetary losses), and most importantly, crunches the numbers to show the scale of the problem. The juxtaposition of the annual amount the average smoker spends on cigarettes compared to the value of this money if invested is easy to relate to and understand, and impactful for the audience.

Strip your communications back and look at how you can explain financial concepts in relatable contexts or terms.

Don’t shy away from humour

With customers already hesitant to engage with their finances, humour is a great way to lighten up your content, provided its authentic and the content is still in the best interests of the audience.

Investonomix, an online financial magazine startup in India, cashed in on India’s frenzy to survive demonetisation in November 2016 with a witty and relatable video – demystifying the new rules while also offering customers alternative solutions. The video went viral on social media and was even picked up in the press. Using humour and a personable presenter helped to engage with customers trying to understand tricky and complex government initiatives.

Speak your audience’s language

Global banking authority, Bank for International Settlements (BIS) appreciated and documented India’s central bank, the Reserve Bank of India for its effective use of targeted communication to reach out to audiences using easy-to-grasp language. The Reserve Bank “issues short and simplified press releases for an audience with limited financial literacy.” according to BIS. Knowing the level of understanding of your audience can help you tailor your message and make sure you’re using the right language for them.

Ultimately, delighting the consumer with your understanding of her or his context is the best time to invite them to give your brand a shot. For finance brands it can be a difficult task, but it’s nothing a little empathy and creativity can’t help solve.

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