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BT #GetMoving


8 years ago

November 22, 2016


The Brief

The Dubs was asked to execute a content marketing strategy to get people more actively involved in planning their financial future.

Whether they find it too complicated, or the pressure of the day to day makes it difficult, the reality is too many Australians are sleepwalking through their financial life. Time slips by and when they finally get around to planning their future they’ve missed the years that could have left them so much better off.

BT are advocates of arming Australians with the best insights and advice they need to get moving towards a better financial future.

The Approach

By pairing BT’s expertise with stories and insights from influencers who’ve made smart financial decisions that have positively impacted their lives, the aim of the #GetMoving content hub was to inspire consumers and bring them out of a state of financial disinterest.

#GetMoving is designed to inspire everyday Australians, in particular the ‘avoider’ segment, to act now, in their financial, career and personal lives

BT needed to find new ways to talk about finance and turn a boring subject into something people want to read, talk and be smart about. The content needed to take calculated risks, without alienating the audience, and guide them through the sales funnel. This was achieved through the creation of advocate videos featuring everyday, yet inspirational, Australians who appealed to different segments in the 25-50-years’ demographic, talking about their lives – not specifically about finance. The result created positive brand experiences through influencers.

#GetMoving is designed to inspire everyday Australians, in particular the ‘avoider’ segment, to act now, in their financial, career and personal lives. #GetMoving is about energy, movement, thinking clearly, being informed and acting. It’s about shaking the audience out of a state of disinterest about their finances: smart moves made now can exponentially improve their financial situation in the future.

The execution was different from standard finance content. Inspiring stories were uncovered and told through video and editorial, each within a fully developed content ecosystem. The content was designed to educate and inspire people to act.

What our client thinks

“Brand metrics definitely moved. We smashed things such as the highest engagement for a LinkedIn financial services post in Australia at the time; the rates were amazing. We drove more than 120,000 visits to the hub in four months and drove some of the highest brand tracking results for the business in some time.” says Lindsey Hoad, BT Financial’s Group Senior Manager, Consumer Marketing Strategy and Channel Development

Related Article: How To Make Content Marketing Work Inside A Financial Services Organisation

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