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The ins and outs of creating outstanding financial video content

The ins and outs of creating outstanding financial video content


2 years ago

January 23, 2023


With so many different mediums of content, it can be difficult to identify which ones your asset management firm should focus on. While whitepaper reports and charts are the obvious priority for asset managers, it’s important you don’t forget to include financial video content as a core part of your marketing strategy. In a survey, 86% of marketing professionals reported they used video as a marketing tool with 78% of those marketers reporting videos directly increased sales and 86% stating videos helped to boost traffic to their website. Financial video content, when produced well, can be an opportunity to gain brand awareness, build trust and push clients through the acquisition funnel more effectively, but how can your asset management firm utilise video content successfully?

Why video content?

It’s no secret that video content is becoming increasingly popular every day. The rise of TikTok proves just that. Video content is easy to digest and offers a method of content that enables clients to stay engaged while also gaining valuable information.

“ People understand and retain 95% of a message conveyed through a video versus only 10% when the same message is in text form.”

When done right, video content is one of the best methods of delivering content. This is because it’s one of the most powerful and memorable ways of delivering information with research identifying that people understand and retain 95% of a message conveyed through a video versus only 10% when the same message is in text form.

A peek behind the curtain of great financial video content

Video production in the financial services industry is steadily growing year on year, with brands spending $1.8 billion on video in 2018, an increase of 13.1% from the year before. Two finance brands producing great financial video content are Aviva Investors and Pictet.

Aviva Investors’ ESG video mini-series showcases the ability to create effective and high-quality content in bite-sized chunks. Well-produced, each video is created by a financial expert as they explain different aspects of ESG content in an easy-to-understand way. Produced alongside editorial content, Aviva has perfectly blended video content with other mediums to deliver fresh and insightful perspectives that remain engaging for clients.

Additionally, Pictet showcases how asset managers can, and should, produce financial video content that’s not directly related to investments. Its recent GrowNYC x Pictet Group Foundation video features Pictet’s charitable impact where employees have partnered with GrowNYC to help plan and construct urban gardens. This, combined with its ‘Found in Conversation’ series, highlights how more ‘human’ content can help improve brand awareness and foster trust amongst clients. It’s this out-of-the-box thinking and video content that enables Pictet to remain engaging and provide value to clients while continuing to produce and deliver regular investment-style information.

Both Aviva and Pictet have perfectly integrated video content as a part of their overall content strategy and continue to produce high-quality content that’s reflective of their target audience’s wants and needs.

The making of great financial video content

Good financial video content has a clear goal and audience in mind. As with all content, if you set out to create a video without understanding what your clients want, it will fall flat.

Great video content speaks to your client’s needs and interests. It should either deliver educational material, solutions to your client’s problems, entertainment or investment insights. Video, like any content you produce, should be purpose-driven and provide value.

Here are some tips and tricks to ensure you create great video content:

  • Capture audiences quickly – For your video to be truly effective, it needs to capture the attention of audiences quickly. Offer a hook from the get-go and ensure the length of your video is just right to keep people interested in your content.
  • High-quality production – With the rise of YouTube and content creators globally, clients’ access to great, well-produced content is rife on the internet. To ensure people watch what you produce, ensure it’s reflective of a high-value production. This means deploying professional videographers and editors.
  • Optimise for search – SEO doesn’t stop at your website. Ensure your video titles, description and metadata are tailored to the correct keywords. At the end of the day, producing videos is useless if no one sees them.

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